Blog: GIDEON Commercial Roofing Solutions

7 Things You Need to Know Before Buying a Commercial Roof

Written by Eric Schlossenberg | May 26, 2023 12:15:00 PM

A commercial roof is a significant investment, and, like any investment, it requires careful planning and consideration. Unfortunately, because roofs are rarely replaced and repaired, you may not be aware of all the options and factors involved, and most contractors won’t thoroughly educate you (they may even lack the education themselves). 

This can leave you trying to piece together the correct information independently. Without industry knowledge and experience, this can result in an inferior solution or even an expensive mistake.

At GIDEON, we’ve consulted with building owners and facilities managers for over 20 years and have a proven process to ensure that customers like you avoid mistakes and business disruptions, get the right solution, and even see a positive return on your investment (yes, the right roof system can reduce your overhead and create net savings). In the following article, we’ll discuss the seven most important things you should consider when repairing or replacing your commercial roof.

1. What kind of roof do you currently have?

Your current roof dictates what repair or replacement options are best for you, as different kinds of roofs are compatible with different materials, have different lifespans, and are associated with different costs. 

Knowing this can help you weed out inexperienced contractors. Asphalt, for instance, is not compatible with TPO, so you don’t want to repair the latter with the former, and you’ll want to steer clear of any contractor that suggests you do. 

It can also help you avoid wasting time. Letting your contractor know what you already have will help them set up an efficient inspection and provide you with a solution more quickly. Some contractors also work with a limited number of materials - you don’t want to set up an inspection only for them to hop on your roof and tell you they don’t work with it.

If you’re having trouble identifying your roof, an experienced contractor can do it if you provide them with a photo. If you give them your address, they may also be able to do it using Google Earth.

2. What condition is your commercial roof in?

The age and condition of the roof also determine what you can do with it. 

If maintained properly, most single-ply roofs (the most common commercial flat roof) have a manufacturer-specified lifespan and warranty of 20-25 years. However, a well-maintained roof often has an additional 40-70% of life left, even after 20 years. This means it can be restored for half the price (and warrantied for another 10-15 years) with an elastomeric coating. Metal roofs have much longer lifespans, from 35 to 70 years, but they, too, can be restored with a coating if they’re in good condition.

Has your roof had multiple repairs in the past? This may indicate deeper underlying problems or poor installation. Knowing this before the inspection can give your contractor an idea of what to look for and help them provide a solution more quickly.

3. What is your building used for?

Building use plays a critical part in creating the right solution. Different materials and installation methods will be used depending on what conditions your roof needs to withstand.


In an industrial setting, many roofs must be strong enough to withstand heavy foot traffic or chemical exposure. This would be a contraindication for certain materials, like TPO, unless they are also treated with an elastomeric coating. PVC, an extremely tough single-ply, is an excellent choice for re-roofing industrial applications, while certain roof coatings are ideal for restoration or repairs.

Truck Dock

In a truck dock with open bays, the wind will enter the building and exert upward pressure on the roof. This may change how the assembly needs to be attached. If you have a metal roof, for instance, you can’t simply attach it to the framing as you would in most cases; you’ll need to lay it over decking (usually plywood), which will shield the metal panels from internal wind pressure.

Multifamily Housing

With multifamily housing, there are additional considerations and constraints placed on installation. Roofers may only be able to work between 8 am and 5 pm, and you may have to coordinate interior access with tenants.

Food Processing Plant

Special precautions must be taken in any food processing facility to ensure dust and debris are not shaken loose during repairs or installation. While traditionally this meant shutting down parts of the plant or moving equipment, more modern solutions (elastomeric coatings in particular) can often allow you to keep business operations going while protecting your products from contamination.


In a hospital, additional precautions are needed to reduce noise, and special materials may be used to eliminate unpleasant odors. The latter can be particularly problematic as the smell from chemicals used on the roof may be taken up into the ventilation system.


Because the ventilation system tends to deposit grease on the roof, significantly more prep work may be required for restaurants. The roof needs to be thoroughly cleaned before repairs or restoration can begin. Additionally, certain roof membranes will disintegrate when exposed to oils and fats, so a tough material like PVC or certain elastomeric coatings is recommended.

4. How long are you planning to own the building?

Different roof systems and repair solutions have different life cycles. In some situations, you may only need a solution that lasts a short period. If, for instance, the building will only be in use for another 3-5 years and will then be torn down and replaced, you don’t need a 20-year restoration. But a replacement may be in order if you’re planning to hold the building for multiple decades. If you plan to sell the building, a healthy roof with a strong warranty will make the building more attractive to potential buyers.

5. What is your financial situation and budget?

Budget, of course, is also a constraining factor. You can’t buy a Mercedes-Benz with a Buick budget - but a solid Buick will do the job. Do you have capital for roofing, or will you need financing? Good commercial roofing is never cheap, but a good contractor can craft a high-quality solution for multiple budgets.

6. How important are HVAC costs?

If your building is climate-controlled, HVAC costs will substantially impact a roof investment. Why? A quality roof with the proper insulation can save you tens of thousands of dollars a year in reduced HVAC costs. In fact, a Texas A&M study concluded that the energy savings from a spray foam roof (the most energy-efficient roof system in the world) could pay for its entire cost in just five years. Most of our clients at GIDEON see a drop in their HVAC costs even before we finish installing the system. It’s crucial to discuss insulation options with your contractor in detail, as this factor contributes both to your roof’s upfront cost and its impact on savings down the road.

7. When do you need to get the job done?

Time of year affects contractor availability, working conditions on the roof, and the price of roofing installations. Late Spring through early Fall is the ideal time to build a roof from a working conditions perspective, so the best contractors often get booked up for this period during the Winter months. If you call a roofer on August 1st and need the job done by the end of September, that may not be available (or they’ll charge you a premium). 

However, booking a project for the Winter may be ideal if you are looking for a discounted price. Most companies have little work during this period, so they may be willing to do the job for less. But not all systems can be installed in the Winter. Roof coatings, for example, will freeze if applied when temperatures are below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. On the other hand, single-ply systems like TPO and PVC will present no issues during winter installation.

The Upshot

As a building owner or property manager, you understand that careful planning and accurate info are necessary to execute a complex project like a new roof. But the right information can be hard to find. Now that you’ve learned from GIDEON about the seven most important considerations involved in purchasing a new roof, get in touch with us. In a free 15-30 minute discovery call, we can assess your situation and provide customized guidance on your roofing needs.